I sometimes wonder about all of the small art projects I have going on at one time. A daily (365) polaroid project, cyanotype experiments, testing vintage cameras, bleaching peel apart film negatives, etc… It seems overwhelming at times, but I know that is how I roll - how I feel most at home. And I know that passion projects are what makes me a better photographer in the long run.
There are some projects that have gone by the wayside but many that I keep coming back to. The one project that I hold closest, though, is one that I didn’t even mean to start in the first place - but the images just kept getting made. I call it “Offspring Obscura” - a play on the idea of the camera obscura from the 19th century, originally used to help artists draw/trace items out in the world.

The photos are of my youngest child, always with his face slightly obscured, and often obscured by his long hair. He is totally unique yet he could be anyone’s child, everyone’s child. Many of these are on film, but some are digital. Take a peak and let me know what you think. I don’t think I will ever want this project to end.